Release - 2021/12/21
Feature improvements
4900 - Improve Screend client 'edit profile' form
4940 - Fix issue where Reporting producer tab was not returning any results
4979 - Add external id to video exports
Release - 2021/12/14
Feature improvements
4859 - Display API Error when deleting series in CMS
Release - 2021/12/07
4941, 4948 - Fix bugs with new OAuth login feature
Release - 2021/11/30
New features
4851 - Add feature to prevent Oauth users from updating their password/email
Feature improvements
4863 - Add ability to filter by 'video type' in CMS
4901 - UX improvements for gallery images on programme pages
4896 - Fix slow 'recently viewed programmes' API request
4689 - Fix 'Restricted' tag display issue
4761 - Fix issue when assigning lists when a user is suspended/deleted
4815 - Fix issue when searching for users in CMS
4898 - Fix issue where internal user data was not included in watchlist reporting
4925 - Fix issue where it was not possible to edit the title field on promo carousels whilst in Safari
Release - 2021/11/23
New features
4413 - Global assets
4873 - Fix for slow loading catalogue genre/sub-genre filters
Release - 2021/11/16
No changes of note.
Release - 2021/11/09
Feature improvements
4616 - Add 'select all' option to Admin section user roles selection
4763 - Add registration form validation feedback if fields do not pass validation
4801 - Add loader to Virtual Screening room PDF search
4849 - Fixed issue where catalogue 'clear filters' option was missing when page reloads
4857 - Fixed issue where programme exports excluded inactive programmes data
Release - 2021/11/02
Feature improvements
4809 - Can now crop or change the view of banner images uploaded for sizes other than 'X-Large'
4847 - Fixed issue where episode count on a programme page e.g. '7 Seasons (20 episodes)' was counting episodes that are associated to inactive seasons
Release - 2021/10/26
Feature improvements
4447 - Error handling for custom attributes integer size fields
4765 - Feedback added when uploading images and setting as default
4798 - Virtual Screening Room - attendee panel is now open by default for host
4810 - Fixed issue where not all production companies were displayed in user form
4812 - Virtual Screening Room - Fixed issue where meeting creation should validate host is set
4816 - Fixed issue where related pages 'View all Link' field wasn't accepting external links
Release - 2021/10/19
Feature improvements
4780 - Show a loader spinner when catalogue is filtered/loaded
4711 - Fix issue where genre filters were not working on IE11
4718 - Fix issue where impersonating non-admin users causes a 404
Release - 2021/10/12
4762 - Fix for list creation dates
Release - 2021/10/05
Feature improvements
4622 - Improved lists download PDF layout
4560 - New Admin user filters: last logged in
4738 - Make group names case insensitive
Release - 2021/09/28
New Features
4373 - Watchlist reporting
Feature improvements
4621 - Improved CSV exporting
4323 - Added pagination to 'search term' reporting results
4663 - Configurable homepage banner height
4640 - Fix for catalogue filter issue
4719 - Fix for leading/trailing white space in user's first name/last name making users unsearchable
4735 - Fix for issue where user could not update their password or account information on 'My Account' page
4736 - Fix for 'One time video downloads' link API request
Release - 2021/09/21
Feature improvements
4680 - Add JW Player as a video provider option in the CMS
4660 - Fixed 'video watched' reporting bug
4700 - Fixed issue where Cast/Crew content block showed hover state when there was no link present
Release - 2021/09/14
4700 - Remove hover colour change on non-clickable content blocks
Release - 2021/09/07
New Features
4623 - Ability to duplicate non-global lists
3853 - Ability to search catalogue listing by available genres
3857 - Enquiry form on programme page, with admin area enquiry listing and filtering
4399 - Fixed issue where two pages with the same slug load incorrect content
4552 - Fixed issue where backspace was clearing results in 'meeting host' dropdown
4646 - Fixed issue where admin toolbar was missing from system pages
4673 - Fixed issue where video icon was missing on virtual screening room
4676 - Fixed issue where content placeholder was incorrectly showing on catalogue template
4683 - Fixed issue where not all episodes were being displayed within 'manage episodes for series' page after saving
Release - 2021/08/31
New Features
4373 - Watchlist Reporting (Support article coming soon)
4248 - Fixed error when downloading assets that are too large
4269 - Fixed error when editing restricted assets
4682 - Fixed error when resaving an episode in the CMS
Release - 2021/08/24
Feature improvements
4620 - Admin - Automated import logs with improved listing
4671 - Ability to hide 'Powered by ONE' logo on Lite sites
3885 - Sharing a list containing restricted content with an external email address leads user to 404 page
4318 - Virtual Screening: fix for RouteBlocking issue
4601 - Catalogue ordering issue
Release - 2021/08/17
New Features
4505 - Added search functionality to all listings in CMS by default
4648 - Make 'Lists' a configurable feature
Feature improvements
4651 - Display logos on related programme cards with 'Programme Logos' feature
4611 - Disallow multiple login requests to be sent
4659 - Allow .gif images for logo upload in Lite CMS
Release - 2021/08/10
New Features
4538 - Add ability to reorder series imagery
4453 - Relaxed rules on collection slugs
4592 - Fixed instances of 'programme' not using localised naming
Release - 2021/08/03
3636 - Clean up foreign key usage
Release - 2021/07/27
New Features
3459 - Added search functionality to production companies listing in CMS
4533 - Increased speed of production api deployments
4431 - Added upper limit of pagination pages to fix error with large number of results
4458 - Display genre tags with programmes on highlights management section of CMS
Release - 2021/07/20
New Features
4323 - Pagination reporting - a new core feature that allows you to paginate through multiple pages of results of reporting data
4539 - Fixed occasional error when attempting to reorder list items
4540 - Updated user list reporting to use localised naming in url
Release - 2021/07/13
New Features
3851 - Search reporting - A new feature displaying reporting data on your users search behaviour (Support article coming soon)
Feature improvements
4495 - Fixed issue with videos not streaming for guest attendees on 'Virtual Screening Room' feature
4381 - Disallow inactive programmes on related programmes block
4454 - Stopped meetings with suspended hosts being searchable
4460 - Removed unused 'Manage Banner' option for home page
Release - 2021/06/29
3089 - Update reporting exports to display in seconds
4440 - Disallow system pages from related pages content block
Release - 2021/06/22
Feature improvements
4408 - Within 'Team Members' feature, only display region and department dropdowns if options are available (View support article)
4444 - within 'My Assets' feature, fixed season selector if user only has access to 1 progamme (View support article)
4428 - Fixed email password links if slug of forgotten password page is changed
Release - 2021/06/15
4249 - Fixed date selection on asset permissions modal
4257 - Improved performance of video carousel on programme pages
4277 - Fixed manual input of colour values in Lite CMS
4422 - Text update on list detail page
4426 - Display introduction on default catalogue banners editable in the CMS
Release - 2021/06/10
4367 - Fixed issue with users not unmuting when videos are paused on 'Virtual Screening Room' feature
Feature improvements
4414 - Within 'Programme Types' feature, dynamically display quick links in the catalogue based on filtered results (View support article)
Release - 2021/06/01
4354 - Fixed global lists displaying in app that belong to suspended users
4414 - Within 'Virtual Screening Room' feature, allow a meeting to be set up without video conferencing
Release - 2021/05/25
New Features
4260 - Draft Content Blocks - A new feature allowing any CMS content blocks to be previewed on the website before publishing (View support article)
Feature improvements
4352 - Within 'Virtual Screening Room' feature, allow a meeting to be set up without video conferencing
4389 - Allow publish dates on CMS pages to be removed
Release - 2021/05/18
3821 - Split CMS pages into 'custom' and 'system' for ease of updating names and imagery.
4257 - Added filter for created date on users page in CMS
4335 - Disallow context menu including 'save video' on default video providers
4363 - Fixed spaces between email addresses erroring when sharing a list
Release - 2021/05/011
4335 - Fixed automatic rotation of banner carousel
Release - 2021/05/05
4298 - Error handling of token authentication
Release - 2021/04/28
4261 - Allow pages under different collections to have the same url slug
4294 - Added filter for approval status in users list in CMS
4296 - Display loading animation on programme pages whilst loading videos
Feature improvements
4230 - Ensure all features in Content+ package functions are styled correctly for LITE users (View package details)
4294 - Ensure all features in Videos+ package functions are styled correctly for LITE users (View package details)
Release - 2021/04/20
3312 - Allow favicon to be updated in Lite CMS
Release - 2021/04/13
Feature Improvements
4271 - Made video help messaging more prominent on 'Virtual Screening Room' feature for safari users
4280 - Fixed microphone and camera access for first time users on 'Virtual Screening Room' feature
Release - 2021/04/07
4215 - Allow ordering of news categories in CMS
4229 - Updated LITE system page banners to allow custom imagery to be uploaded in CMS
Release - 2021/03/31
Feature Improvements
3873 - Phase 2 of 'Virtual Screening Room' introducing new layout & design as well as a video conferencing feature (View support article)
Release - 2021/03/23
4022 - Updated regions and territories when adding/editing a user in the CMS to a search to avoid slow loading dropdowns
4177 - Fixed video list in CMS not updating when a programme has a very large amount of videos
4191 - Updated Lite emails banners to use header colour defined in CMS to ensure logo is always visible
4204 - Fixed sub navigation in CMS positioned incorrectly when navigating via the dashboard
4216 - Fixed search results not returning programmes with '&' symbol
Release - 2021/03/16
3366 - Updated lists when adding/editing a meeting to a search to avoid slow loading dropdowns
4080 - Updated groups when adding/editing a user in the CMS to a search to avoid slow loading dropdowns
4181 - Allowed reordering of genres and sub genres in CMS as an alternative sort order in catalogue filters
4197 - Fixed programmes not able to have the same names
4116 - Fixed page banners being uploadable that aren't rendered on the frontend in Lite CMS
4165 - Fixed programme video carousels not fully loading with a very large amount of videos set
4167 - Fixed CMS login displaying email and password fields when ONE login feature is disabled
4179 - Fixed image dimensions displayed for programme banner images in Lite CMS
Release - 2021/03/02
3470 - Fixed user data not clearing when making a new search on reporting section
4150 - Fixed video banners not able to be unmuted
4152 - Fixed promo videos not autoplaying with sound in Safari
4153 - Fixed programmes on related programmes block not being removable in the CMS
Release - 2021/02/23
New Features
4093 - CMS Page Redirects - A new feature allowing any CMS page to be redirected to an internal or external url (View support article)
Feature Improvements
4092 - Improvement for 'Virtual Screening Room' feature allowing attendees to better sync with host video
4151 - Removed 'Virtual Meeting' title from attendee meeting view on 'Virtual Screening Room' feature
4129 - Fixed intercom widget overlapping full screen video controls
4139 - Fixed email addresses of unregistered attendees from being editable after a meeting is set up
Release - 2021/02/16
Feature Improvements
4085 - Improvement for 'Weighted Words' feature allowing users to view all configured search terms on a new dedicated page in the CMS
4105 - Fixed manual order of collections not reflecting order set in CMS
Release - 2021/02/09
Feature Improvements
4114 - Improvement for 'Virtual Screening Room' feature allowing Safari 9 users to join meeting as an attendee
4117 - Improvement for 'Virtual Screening Room' feature increasing the dimensions of the video in full screen mode for Safari users
3913 - Fixed some external users unable to see programme videos when using a select few older browsers
4060 - Fixed related programmes block displaying on programme pages if no related programmes are set
4095 - Add styling configuration for banner overlays in Lite CMS
4108 - Fixed CMS pages not displaying site name in meta titles
Release - 2021/02/02
New Features
4047 - Programme Slug Urls (*Package Add On*) - A new feature allowing programme names to be used in the programme urls in place of ids (View support article)
Feature Improvements
3948 - Improvement for 'Virtual Screening Room' feature allowing attendees to independently control sound for the video presented to them
3950 - Improvement for 'Virtual Screening Room' feature allowing an attendee to join a meeting after it has started.
Release - 2021/01/26
4046 - Update role management modal in CMS to use localised naming
4048 - Fixed display of tags in CMS for long genre names
4050 - Fixed anonymous access users seeing 'add to list' buttons when visiting a programme page via a share list email
4053 - Fixed accordion content blocks not reordering in Safari
4057 - Redirect registered users to login page if visiting a list from an email when logged out
4079 - Fixed some groups not appearing in dropdown when assigning to a user
Release - 2021/01/19
Feature Improvements
4014 - Improved 'Territories' and 'Regions' features by adjusting behaviour of their form dropdowns based on the number of options
3436 - Fixed some programme pages not sending a page title to google analytics
3803 - Added explanatory text to permissions modals in CMS
4007 - Added option in CMS to not display a page as a card on the collection
4023 - Fixed clearing filters when loading a pre-filtered view of the catalogue
Release - 2021/01/12
Feature Improvements
3972 - Improved 'Programme Types' feature to work independently of catalogue quick links
3979 - Added ability to reorder team members in CMS
3963 - Fixed number of items not working on 'related pages' block if carousel setting is off
3967 - Improved validation of email addresses when sharing a list to external users
3973 - Fixed programme years display being affected by user timezones
4010 - Fixed cards on 'related pages' block not linking successfully to filtered catalogue search