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Programme slugs

What is the programme slugs feature?

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

With the programme slugs functionality enabled, users would be able to

view programme URLs with name of the programme in place of

programme ids.

To Edit the slugs for existing programmes in the catalogue follow

the below steps –

1) Navigate to ONE Admin > Programme Management > Programmes

2) Select a programme and click on edit from actions drop down

3) Update the name in the ‘Slugs’ field right beneath the Title on the

page and click on save programme

The change in the slug will now appear on the front end of your website!

This process is the same when creating a new programme. Whilst creating a new programme you can edit the slug!

Programme slugs is a feature within the Programme + package - if you would like a demo of the functionality or would like it active on your website please contact your Account Manager or

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