The wait is over! Enhanced reporting has arrived. We’ve made big updates to two of the usual reporting sections, and added a brand new section in for you called Producers. There’s an explanation below of what’s new and how to use it, but as always feel free to chat to us if you have any questions!
First things first - let’s go through reporting permissions & who can see what. Roles are defined through permissions (see more on that here), and we've added some new permissions to make reporting even more powerful.
Account Managers - Account Managers will have users assigned to them, but they can choose whether they want to just see reporting stats on their users, or if they want to see stats on all users in the system.
View reporting all users: see all users in the system (excluding internal)
View reporting my users: see only users assigned to you
Admin - Admins can see stats on all users in the system by default
You can give any role permission to see reporting by ticking the 'view reporting' permission. If they're not an account manager, they'll see stats on all users by default
We've removed internal users from reporting so the stats are no longer skewed by internal users.
User reporting before was all about individual users. You could search for a particular user and see their activity in a given time frame. We’ve now split the users tab into two smaller tabs
All my users (new section)
Individual users (no changes here!)
As discussed above, all my users will mean different things depending on what permissions you have within the platform
All my users
You get an overview of user information
Total number of logins refers to how many times a new window or browser or log in occurs for a particular user. We’ve done it that way as users normally save their details once logged in, so instead we show how many times they actually open the website
Average monthly visits shows how many times on average your users visit the website compared to the overall system average
Average monthly programme views is how many programmes your users have viewed in total in that month
Average monthly video views is how many videos your users have viewed in that month
Then there’s a user activity table:
You can define a date range at the top and how many rows you’d like to show, as well as exporting as CSV
The table shows user activity with a default order of most recent activity first. You can click on any of the columns to change the order of the data, for example if you click on videos watched, you can order from highest to lowest or vice versa.
Programmes is an entirely new section which means you can see a snapshot of overall programme activity & search for specific programmes
This is filtered depending on which reporting permissions you have- so Account Managers still only see their relevant data.
The table shows user activity with a default order of most recent activity first. You can click on any of the columns to change the order of the data, for example if you click on videos watched, you can order from highest to lowest or vice versa.
You can also search for specific programmes
You’ll see a graph of activity over the last 12 months & beneath that there’s a table
The table shows an in depth view of that activity (within a time frame defined by you) and the default order is most recent activity first
You can click on the user from this view to see which videos they’ve watched
Producer reporting pulls information from a specific producer and gives you an insight into their activity.
Producer reporting allows an admin to tailor their reporting activity specifically to producer information, this pulls three main categories of data including, Screeners Sent, Recipients of Screeners and Programmes Viewed, making reporting more diverse and efficient. For more on producer reporting click here