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PDF's in Highlights

How to manage PDF's within the Highlights section of the app

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Written by Support
Updated over 5 months ago

You are now able to display .pdf files - such as brochures and presentation decks - directly on the Highlights page. Previously PDFs could only be added to programme pages, but this update offers much more flexibility. Now, you can easily upload and showcase general content that isn't tied to a specific programme.

With this new feature active, both video and brochure content are accessible with a single press, making pitches and presentations smoother. There's no need to switch between presenting videos and searching for brochures, or to upload brochures separately to the iPad - everything you need is just a click away.

Head to ONE Admin > Offline App Management > Highlights

Layout 1 - Programme Listing

If you have the programme listing layout selected, a PDF can be added to a custom slide. Simply click on the 'Select PDF' button to add a PDF Asset.

You will need to re-sync your iPad and the PDF will appear in the banner!

Layout 2 - Collection View

If you have the collection view layout selected, you can add a PDF to each programme listed in your banner carousel.

Simply click on the 'Select PDF' button on each programme to add your PDF asset.

You will need to re-sync your iPad and the PDF will appear in the banner. If no PDF's have been loaded for a specific programme, the PDF button will not appear.

If you have any further questions, please get in touch with your Account Manager.


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