If you have videos in multiple languages, the video language dropdown selection allows the viewer to filter the videos within a programme to a specific language.
If you have this feature turned on, you can create and manage the video languages via the CMS.
ONE Admin > Programme Management > Languages. Click on '+ New Language' to create your new language.
Video languages are used for both programmes and videos.
To assign a language to your programmes or videos, head to ONE Admin > Programme Management > Programmes or Videos and select 'Edit' from the 'Actions' menu of the programme/video you want to assign a language to. In the edit screen, scroll down to 'Languages' where you can now select from your options you have created.
The language dropdown will now appear on the front end of your programme page.
Video Languages is a feature within the Video+ package - if you would like a demo of the functionality or would like it active on your website please contact your Account Manager or Support@thisisone.tv