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Private Video Access

Send a video from a programme to someone without them having to set up an account.

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Written by Support
Updated over 3 years ago

Private video access allows you to send a secure video URL with an attached password to someone without them having to set up an account. This feature provides a secure and quick option to share videos privately.ย 

To generate the Private Video Access url link go to ONE Admin > Programme Management > Videos and select 'Manage Private Access' from the 'Actions' menu of the video you want to create this for.

You will then be taken to the 'Manage Private Videos Access' screen where you can generate a new link by clicking the '+ New Private Videos Access' button and selecting an 'Expiry Date'.

Once you have selected a date, you will be taken through to a display menu detailing the information to send. Complete this process by clicking 'Done'.

Once completed, the page will display all private access videos you've created with the URL, password and expiry date. You can edit the expiry date by clicking the 'Actions' menu and 'Edit', and an 'Expired' label will also appear to show if a link has expired.

Simply email the URL and Password (separately for better security) and once the person has searched the URL they will be prompted to enter the password and can proceed to watch the video.

If you would like to know more about the private video access feature or would like it active on your website please contact your Account Manager or

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