The ONE application is fully functional offline, allowing you to run meetings, watch videos, browse your catalogue & make notes without needing an internet connection. Because it works offline, you need to sync your application with the data on your website using the instructions in the syncing article.
Highlights - Your highlights tab will contain programmes specifically selected by your company to showcase. These can be changed at any time & sorted into categories of your choice.
View our highlights article here.
Catalogue - The catalogue tab gives you access to the full website catalogue. In the app, users can filter by Genre only, additional custom attribute filtering to match the website will be reviewed as part of ongoing app improvements.
Lists - The lists tab shows any individual lists you have set up on the website under 'My Lists' as well as any global lists set up on a company level.
View our Lists guide here.
Meetings - The app is where you run meetings that have been set up on the website, allowing you to play videos, make notes & send follow up emails.
View our app meetings guide here.
Downloads - The downloads tab shows videos that have been downloaded to the device.
View our video downloads guide here.
Buyer version - A buyer version of the app is also available. This is the same app however, when an external user signs in with their credentials it will show them the same app just with the meetings functionalty removed and only content they have permission to see.