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Episodes - Manage Videos

Manage videos assigned to an episode

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Add new episode video

Navigate to the episode via ONE Admin > Programme Management > Videos
Click the '+ New Video' button in the top right of the screen and a form will appear as per the below screenshot:

At this point the Programme, Season and Episode will be pre-completed because you are adding the video to the particular episode.

  • Name - The name of the video is required. You can put any text you like here but it is recommended that you put a more descriptive line here, do not simply put Episode 1 as this will make it harder to identify in the future.

  • MP4 URL - If you want to put a direct link to an MP4, you can in this field. However if you are using a video provider you should leave this field blank.

  • Brightcove ID - If Brightcove is your video provider then you can put the video ID in this box. There is no need to fill out both the MP4 and ID box. If you don't use Brightcove as your video provider, you will not see this field.

  • Aframe ID and Project Name - You will only see these fields if you use Aframe as your video provider. Add your Aframe video ID and Project name into these fields.

  • Public - Tick this option if you want the video to be available to everyone that visits the website. Even those that aren't logged in.

Edit Video Information

To edit the video information, click on the actions button and then edit. You can now edit any of the details you have added previously. Click save once done.

Move video to a different programme, series or episode

To move a video to a different programme, series or episode, you need to edit the video as per above. You can then change the programme, series or episode by selecting the appropriate option in the dropdown.

Reorder videos

To change the order the videos are displayed, you can drag and drop the videos into the correct order. Once you let go, the order will be saved.

Manage episode permissions

Click the actions button then click permissions. You then manage permissions like you would on any other video. More details can be found at manage video permissions

Manage poster

The poster is another name for the thumbnail image used on the video. If it is not automatically pulled in via your video provider, it is possible to upload an image manually here.

Delete episode video

To delete an episode video click the actions button then delete. You receive a warning that you need to confirm before the video is deleted. Once deleted there is no way to restore and you need to add back into the platform as per the instructions above.

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