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How to use lists

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Navigate to Lists by going to Menu > Lists

Only logged in users are able to see lists.

Once on the lists page, users will see 'My Lists' And 'Global Lists'. My Lists are the lists created by and shared with the user. Global Lists are created centrally by administrators and are available to all logged in users.

Global lists

Global lists are the lists curated centrally by administrators. If you are an external user, you will have access to the list but you won't be able to edit it, only view the programmes.
From the global list screen you can either click on a list to view the contents or you can select the list by clicking on the radio button. A dropdown menu will be visible under the search bar.

Click on the menu to select from the following options:

  • Duplicate List - Clicking this button allows the user to duplicate the list to their own lists. It will not duplicate as a global list. A confirmation message will pop up to confirm the list has been duplicated.

  • Save as PDF - This will export all programmes in the selected list to a pdf which will automatically download to the user's computer. The PDF is styled to the user's company brand. The contents of the PDF is defined depending on the initial configuration. The user can then do anything they want with the PDF. The programmes appear in the same order in the PDF as they appear on the list page.
    NOTE: You are unable to edit the PDF before it is exported.

  • Download CSV - The list is downloaded as CSV file format (can be opened using Excel or Google Sheets) which is downloaded to the user's computer. There is no styling in the CSV. The order of programmes is reflected as per the list on the website.

  • Download DOCX - The list is downloaded in a DOCX format, which is downloaded to the user's computer.
    The document contains the following information:
    - For a programme: Title and Introduction
    - For a Season: Season name, programme name and season description
    - For a Video: Video name, programme name, season name and episode name

  • Delete List (only visible to administrators) - The global list can be deleted from everyone's account. A confirmation message pops up before the list is deleted. Once deleted, there is no way to restore.

It is possible to select multiple lists to delete. You can only select one list at a time to perform the other options.

As an administrator you also have the additional buttons within the dropdown menu to 'Add a Programme' and 'Edit List'

  • Add a Programme - Opens a search modal to quickly add a programme to the list.

  • Edit List - This is where you can edit the list name, control whether the list is global (for administrators) and assign the list to internal users only meaning external users won't be able to see this global list.

By ticking the 'Internal users only' checkbox, this now means this list is only accessible and viewable by internal users.

My Lists

My Lists are the lists created by or shared with the user. This will be different for each individual user. Users can edit their own lists and this is where they will go to do so.
From the list screen you can either click on a list to view the contents or you can select the list by clicking on the radio button. A dropdown menu will then appear on the top right where you have the following options:

  • Share List - Users can share a list with other users from within their own company or to an external email address. Clicking this button opens a popup where the user is requested to select a registered user from their company (they don't get to see all users unless they are an administrator), specify an external email address and add a message. An email is then sent to to the recipients, listing out the programmes with a link back to the website to view the whole list. If the user is not logged in when they click any link in the email, they will be required to in order to see the full details. Otherwise they will simply get the view of a non logged in user.

  • Duplicate List - As above

  • Save as PDF - As above

  • Download CSV - As above

  • Download DOCX - As above

  • Delete - As above, except any user can delete their own list.

It is possible to select multiple lists for deletion. You can only select one list at a time to perform the other options.

Applying permission when sharing a list

After selecting the recipient of the list whether it be a registered user or an external email address, you can grant access to the content in the list.

External emails - An Anonymous Access will be created, with

the emails from the list share as the recipients. All items in the

list will be added to the anonymous access. Anonymous

access links will then be sent instead of normal catalogue links in

the email.

Registered users can also be granted anonymous access by

adding their email address to the ‘external email address’

field. By doing this, they will not have to login into the system

to view the items shared with them. They can simply click on

the link and view the items

Note: This adds permission to the individual items in the list. So if you you add a programme to a list it will provide access at programme level, not all seasons/videos attached to the programme, this will have to be added to the list separately.

List page

From within the list page the user can click on any of the cards to either take them to the programme page or play a video directly ( a video is indicated by a play button). It is possible to do the following from the list page:

  • Reorder the cards - By hovering the cursor over a card, the user will see an arrow appear on the top left. By clicking on this and dragging, the card can be dropped into a different position. The order of the cards is used in the PDF and CSV export as detailed above. There is no need to save the list, once dropped, the order of the cards is stored.

  • Mark interest - Clicking the dots in the top right hand corner displays a dropdown of options for the user. They can select any of the options which is then saved and displayed on the top right of the card. To change their mind, the user can click the icon again.

  • Edit list - Users can edit the list name by clicking the edit list button. They then have the option to change the list name and save. If the user is an administrator they can also make the list global from here.

  • Notes - To add a note to a programme, the user must select the radio button on a card which brings up a menu. Clicking on the notes button brings up a popup where users can add notes. The user can type the text and upon hitting enter the note is saved. To delete the note, the user can click the red x next to the note. A warning pops up to ask if they are sure they want to delete. Any number of notes can be added to a card.

  • Delete - As above, the user must select the radio button for a single or multiple cards then can click the delete button. A warning pops up to confirm the delete. The programme(s) will then be removed from the list and can be added again when required.

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