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What is the Formats feature and how does it work?

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Written by Support
Updated over 2 years ago

With this feature activated you can help buyers look for the Format version of your programme by adding a button to the banner that jumps directly to the page they are looking for.

To create a programme as a format, simply create the programme as you normally would within the CMS - navigate to ONE Admin > Programme Management > Programmes and select 'Edit' from the 'Actions' menu. Scroll down to 'Production Details' where you can tick the 'Programme is a format' box. You will need the Formats feature active to be able to do this.

To link your programme to the formatted programme, follow the instructions above, and instead of ticking the 'Programme is a format' box, just link the 'Format Programme' instead.

Formats is a feature within the Programmes + package - if you would like a demo of the functionality or would like it active on your website please contact your Account Manager or

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